Sunday, December 16, 2007



MAXCONNECTIONS--->Maximum number of connections that can come to the instance at any point of time(includes both local and remote connections)

MAXAGENTS--->This parameter indicates the total agents including subagents that can be allocated on an instance.The recommended value is atleast the sum of all the values of MAXAPPLS for all the databases that exist concurrently.

MAX_COORDAGENTS--->This parameter indicates the maximum number of coordinating agents that can exist.(Number of COORDAGENTS+Number of subagents )is controlled by MAX_AGENTS

MAXCAGENTS---->The maximum number of concurrent coordinating agents that can exist on any instance.This parameter can be used in cases of high concurrent transaction workloads.

----DB LEVEL----

MAXAPPLS----->This parameter is DB level limit for the maximum number of applications that can connect to a database at any given time.This parameter is also dependent on MAX_AGENTS and MAX_COORDAGENTS .

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