Friday, December 19, 2008

db2ilist issue after upgrade

If you upgrade some of your instances to V9.5 and the remaining stay at 8.2,You might see this issue.db2ilist lists the instances that are at the current instance level.Lets suppose you have db2inst1,db2inst2 and db2inst3 and only db2inst3 is upgraded to V9.5 and remaining are at 8.2.If you are attached to db2inst3 and if you hit db2ilist,you would only see db2inst3 there.

There is a workaround for this problem.You can use the db2greg utility and parse the verbose output.Below is an example that i used to list all instances that start with 'db2inst' prefix:

db2greg -dump -v grep -i db2inst cut -d',' -f4

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

SQL0444N after fixpack upgrade

Have you ever noticed SQL0444N reason code 4 after migration or a fixpack upgrade?If so here is the solution.

Please check if a link for db2clifn.a exists under /sqllib/function like below:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root db2iadm 46 2008-12-08 22:33 db2clifn.a -> /opt/ibm/db2/V9.5/fixpack2/function/db2clifn.a

If it does not exist you should run db2iupdt again to fix the broken links.And while doing so you might come across another error

DBI1282W The database manager configuration files could not be merged. The original configuration file was saved as /home/db2inst2/sqllib/backup/db2systm.old. (The original instance type is ese. The instance type to be migrated or updated is ese.)

So better save the dbm configuration before you do the db2iupdt.