Saturday, April 5, 2008


If you are restoring into a different alias using into clause, you should use the original database name in db2 restore continue statement.If you use the alias you will recieve the error:DB21080E No previous RESTORE DATABASE command with REDIRECT option was issuedfor this database alias, or the information about that command is lost.Refer to the following example.


db2 restore db sample to /db2kk/db2inst1/SAMPLE1 into SAMPLE1 redirect without prompting;

db2 "set tablespace containers for 5 using (PATH "/db2kk/db2inst1/sample1")";

db2 restore db SAMPLE continue;

db2 rollforward db SAMPLE1 to end of logs and complete;

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


LOGINDEXBUILD parameter should be set in HADR environments.If this is OFF in HADR environments,index creation and reorgs will not be completely logged which will delay the failover process.The failover process is delayed because the index building occurs at the time of failover.

db2ckbkp to know the paths

db2ckbkp -T SAMPLE.0.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20080401133802.001 grep -i name

The above command can be used to view tablespace paths from backup image without verifying the image
db2ckbkp -S SAMPLE.0.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20080401133802.001

This one gives the storage paths from a backup image if autostorage option is being used.